Robert Kiyosaki is a successful businessman, entrepreneur, and investor known for his bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad. Speaking at a social media forum recently, Kiyosaki warned the masses about the storm of inflation ready to hit the consumer markets. He claimed that the rising inflation has the potential to terminate the working class if they don’t do anything.

Kiyosaki has been a known advocate for making financial education more popular among the masses. He explained that true capitalism had become a dinosaur now. He suggests that the people hailing from lower and middle working strata should consider investing in cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin.

Robert Kiyosaki Slams Federal Reserve

Kiyosaki recently tweeted about the bias of the rich class that has been pouring down on the parade of the have-nots. He claimed that as far as the 70s, true capitalism warranted the survival of the fittest in the financial environment. Kiyosaki presented the example of the Blockbuster video that was replaced by the arrival of Netflix.

He further added that since 1907, banks had taken the responsibility to support the corrupt and outdated institutions using government regulators like Federal Reserve and US Treasury. He opines that banks are now practicing Marxism by printing more money into the economy to impose the inflation tax on the working class.

Robert Kiyosaki recently claimed that the American schooling system being deprived of financial education is part of the Marxist agenda of the centralized banking system. He told the 1.8 million followers on Twitter that he is currently investing in Gold, oil, silver, rental real estate, Bitcoin, Ethereum and advised the people to get smart and get richer.

It is worth noting that the famous one-dollar merchandiser and discount chain store Dollar Tree has decided to increase its base price to $1.25, citing issues around the supply chain. Kiyosaki called the move by Dollar General a bellwether move. The financial educator and author predicted a massive stock market crash for October in September as well.