The information for the Meta-seminar has been released by MetaMetaverse. The audience will hear from Joel Dietz of MetaMetaverse during the event as he lectures on a variety of subjects, considering the hereafter of the system.

Linking the Other World and the Metaverse

MetaMetaverse, a wide-open service designed to let people and companies build their personal computer reality and run the framework on their own. Joel Dietz held the first meta-seminar in history.

According to a press release, the Meta-seminar online event will launch on November 20, 2022, at precisely 20:00 CET, and will present a novel perspective on creating the Metaverse ecosystem based on science and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and math.

Joel Dietz, the founder and host of the Meta-seminar, played a key role in the development of several blockchain-related platforms. 

The meta-meta workshop 

The company refers to itself as a universe. Its main aim it to create a network of opportunities and incorporate blockchain games. On the one hand, MetaMetaverse is a blockchain game that lets players complete quests with friends and follow storylines in exchange for in-game tokens.

Contrarily, MetaMetaverse is a metaverse that enables users to build their personal computer worlds and games, synergistic user experience, built-in monetary system and authority. 

The goal of the event, according to the team, is to keep Dietz and members of the Meta Metaverse informed about how the Metaverse is being built. Dietz made the decision to make the data accessible to the public, promoting discussion and novel viewpoints on how to construct the metaverse through debate.

In order to foster a culture where creators will exercise critical thought before taking chances in the Metaverse, the meta-seminar will organize long talks and discussion sessions, as well as create and analyze new info based on the extensive usage and understanding of various disciplines by several experts. 

The Meta Metaseminar will teach attendees how to forecast the approaching overall acceptance of the Metaverse and crypto-based technologies in the real world. In addition to that, the participant will explore the future of crypto and its integration in the Metaverse.